1.SJS8008 is atwo-component room temperature,neutralcuring,and cures to a high-modulus elastomeric insulating glass silicone sealant.During application,mix incertain ratio between part-A and part-B,SJS8008 reactsand solidifies into an elastomer with excellent stability in awide range temperature and no corrosion.
2.Excellent resistant to ozone and UV,which gives it long service life.
3.Excellent adhesion.
4.Good compatibility with other SJS neutral series silicone sealant.
5.Part-A white color,part-B black color.The mixture ratioof volume should be 10:1(ratio of weight 16:1).The colorshould be black after mix.
1.SJS8008 is designed for use in non-structural secondarysealing of insulating glass,not for structural bonding.
2.It cannot be used as structural sealant.
PACKAGING:Part-A180L Part-B 18LPart-A190L Part-B 19L
SHELF LIFE:12 months
+381 604 414 811